2025 President’s Letter

To the Members of the OHCC Men’s Golf Association:

As the calendar changes to a new year, we are that much closer to the opening of another season. I can easily say that we are all anxious to get back and looking forward to playing. The recent snowfall we have had, unlike in the last few years, has given the golf course a bit of a respite and I know that Tim, Jen and their crew are happy about that.

On Sunday, January 26 we held our Annual Meeting at the clubhouse. The meeting was attended by more members than we saw last year, and I am encouraged by that. I hope this is a trend that will continue as this is the best forum for members to share their thoughts about what they might like to see happen during the upcoming season. The discussion at this meeting was outstanding with a number of ideas shared which the Board will review and discuss.

We are heading into 2025 in good financial shape allowing us to keep the membership dues at the current amount of $150. When paying your dues, please remember the First Tee of CT. Last year our donation to this cause was an all-time high of $1600. Let’s try to match that. Dues must be received by March 15, 2025 to avoid a $25 late fee.

This year’s tournament schedule was presented with a couple of minor changes. Club Championship Qualifying will be a one-round qualifier requiring only one day of play. The top 7 will make the Championship Flight. The next 8 who qualify will form the First Flight. There will not be a “Beaten Eight” round this year.

What is disappointing, however, is the fact that participation in tournaments has fallen year-over-year by approximately 7%. This confuses me. As a member, you have already paid for the right to participate in most tournaments. If you are playing anyway, what do you have to lose by signing up and reporting your score? You might even win something, but you will never know if you don’t sign up.

Our Membership Committee under Ed Grillo has done some nice things for 2025. We are introducing a “Member Benefits” program with savings at local businesses. So far Ed has negotiated deals with Golf Lounge 18 and Golf Galaxy to offer savings to our members. We will issue a Membership Card to all active members to use to receive benefits. Details on this program will be posted to a new section on the MGA website and a notice will go out with more information.

Again, however, there is a disappointing trend. Membership has been declining for the past few years, and we have gone from 184 members just 2 years ago to 159 members last year. Our association is the least expensive in the area. The golf course is one of, if not the best public courses in the area. So, I am not sure why, but we will look for answers. One thing we ask is for every member to look for opportunities to invite someone to become a member.

Our Member-Guest Outing is once again becoming a success, and we will continue to try to find ways to improve it. The event was sold out in 2023 and narrowly missed selling out last season.

As I close, I want to thank the entire Board for the work they do all year. I also want to welcome our newest Board member, Peter Tomlinson, who was voted in as an At-Large Member. Peter will also fill the role of Rules Committee Chairperson. Peter defeated Rob Kennedy by one vote in a vote taken of the membership. Congratulations Peter and great fight Rob.

Stay safe and I will see you all soon.

Glenn A Hottin, President