Orange Hills Country Club
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USGA Handicap

Peer review is the process of providing a reasonable and regular opportunity for members of Orange Hills Women's Association to play golf with each other and providing access to scoring records and USGA Handicap Indexes for inspections by others including-but not limited to fellow members.

The USGA slope rating is defined as the USGA's mark that indicates the measurement of the relative difficulty of a course for players who are not scratch golfers compared to the course rating (i.e. compared to the difficulty of OHCC for scratch golfers). Slope rating is computed from the difference between the bogey rating and the course rating. The lowest slope rating is 55 and the highest is 155. A course of standard playing difficulty has a USGA slope rating of 113.

Nine hole scores are to be posted as long as played by USGA rules and regulations. All tournament scores should have "T" posted next to the score.

Equitable Stroke Control (ESC) is the downward adjustment of individual hole scores for handicap purposes in order to make handicaps more representative of a players' potential ability.

Course Handicap
Maximum Number on any Hole
9 or less
Double Bogey
10 through 19
20 through 29
30 through 39
40 or more
2004 Handbook
Member Application (PDF)
Tournament Rules
Tournament Formats
Local Golf Rules
USGA Handicap
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Example: GHIN number 0001-111 is entered as 0001111
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